Yellow Pages

This online directory is available as a business opportunity in the MYP Network. YellowPages.IO serves as the central portal for the Yellow Pages network of entrepreneurs, aiming to connect all online business directories across the Indian Ocean region. While English is the default language, French serves as the secondary language, with options for additional languages available. MYP provides a Yellow Pages platform that is more than just a directory. The project enables collaboration with other MYP Network Partners within e-commerce i.e. Yellow Markets.

Market Potential

The online directory caters to a wide range of stakeholders in the Indian Ocean, including entrepreneurs, businesses, NGOs, government officials, public services, and local authorities. It addresses the need for easy access to relevant resources, services, and partnerships across borders and industries.

Key objectives

  • Increase visibility
  • Comprehensive listing,
  • Facilitate connections,
  • Community engagement,
  • User-friendly interface.

Candidate’s Skills

Joining us means being part of a dynamic team that enhances connectivity and transparency between businesses, the public sector and their audience by providing reliable information and more. Below are listed the main skills that you should possess or acquire to be part of this business opportunity:

What is required:

  • Strong writing skills in English and/or French,
  • Adaptability,
  • Problem-solving,
  • Time management,
  • Attention to detail.

Source of Revenue

Through our revenue model, businesses benefit from increased visibility through listings, targeted advertising opportunities, and sponsored content. Additionally, marketing affiliations and add-ons offer further customisation and partnership opportunities. Below are listed the its main source of revenue:

What is required:

  • Listing,
  • Advertising,
  • Sponsored Articles,
  • Marketing affiliations,
  • Add-ons.

Project Status

Yellow Pages is an active opportunity that requires further development. The website is operational with content in English and French as well as graphics. It utilises the WordPress framework. Additionally, it is possible to customise and integrate multimedia elements to enhance user experience.

What is required:

  • Content writers and translators
  • Customer Support,
  • Graphic Designers,
  • Sales and Marketing,
  • Public and private sector connections.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Candidates' commitment is crucial for the success of this venture. We seek individuals with entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to drive Yellow Pages forward. For instance, teamwork, trust, resilience and adaptability are fundamental elements. We envision this platform as more than just a directory. With individuals possessing the right mindset and attitude, we have the potential to make a substantial impact, not only in Mauritius but also in the African region and the Indian Ocean. Are you in?


We provide business and franchise opportunities through developing innovative digital business solutions.

Contact Us

  Office No. 2, 14 Avenue Sodnac, Quatre Bornes, Mauritius
 +230 427 5060
contact us now!

Copyright 2017 MYP Network Partners Conceptualised by   The MYP